This tutorial is designed to enable interested parties to understand privacy, personal data management & legal issues around the sharing of data from cars, commercial vehicles, and passenger coaches on the road network.
The SafeTRIP project has identified a number of issues around privacy and personal data for road operators, passenger transport operators, private citizens, and emergency services. This document will first define privacy for the context of the SafeTRIP project, including the impact of European legislation and directives. These directives define what personal data is along with what is expected of those who collect it in the second section of this document. All the SafeTRIP services will be assessed using European Union privacy and data protection directives. The document will then describe data management practice for third parties that develop applications on the SafeTRIP platform using three future scenarios of typical applications. As emergency calls can lead to the communication of personal data, the handling of these calls will be discussed in further detail. Finally, this tutorial will describe the handling, ownership, and usage of “floating car data” - data that tracks vehicles as part of an application. is a project co-funded by the European Commission, DG Research
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