Collaborative Road Alert Service (CRA)
Information Exploration UI
SafeTRIP Info Explorer
Drivers are notified as soon as they enter in a zone of 9 km and if their direction is (+/- 40°) around the place of a declared incident. An audible beep informs the driver of the alert (at 3 distances to the alert). A popup is displayed on the screen – in case of the service supplied by Masternaut for SafeTRIP – a generic message was displayed for all types of road alerts.
While participants appreciated this service, some suggestions were made to further improve the service. Here is a list of the most pertinent comments.
Misleading display of current speed
- It was suggested to remove the display of current speed while displaying a road safety alert.
Clear indication of distance to the incident
- The white ‘progress bar’ which indicated the distance to the incident was not clear enough to participants.
Indication of the type of alert
- Many participants indicated that they would prefer different types of audio sounds to differentiate between different types of road safety alerts – in order to distinguish between more important alerts (for e.g. accident) with less important ones (for e.g. road works).