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Case studies

This chapter presents you with case-studies that will take you through the complete design process – starting from the purpose of the service up to the logical architecture of the service. Since SafeTRIP is an open platform, its design supports and facilitates the development of ITS services. You therefore do not require a very deep understanding of satellite or communication technologies to develop for SafeTRIP.

Three case studies are presented and each highlights a particular category of typical usage scenario for an ITS platform such as SafeTRIP.

-      Case study 1 – Management of traffic flows

-      Case study 2 – Traffic monitoring

-      Case study 3 – Emergency call

In order to fully comprehend the case studies, you would have read the previous sections of the tutorials. By the end of this chapter, you will be able to design services that will exploit the SafeTRIP platform.

Case study 1 – Management of traffic flows


Traffic flow management is a typical hot topic for ITS researchers. Many theories and models exist for predicting and describing traffic congestion, as well as algorithms for redirecting the vehicles to alternative roads and solving the jams. Although theoretical solutions are available, applying them is not straightforward, due to the difficulties to access the dozens or hundreds (sometimes even thousands) of concerned cars affected by large-scale congestions, in a timely and cost-effective manner.

As a vehicular communication platform, SafeTRIP provides a powerful tool to centralize and implement solutions to traffic congestion: information on the traffic status is handled in a centralized way at server level, and instructions on how to react are transmitted to all the involved vehicles.

What is the service about?

This case study describes how to design a basic application for traffic re-routing based on SafeTRIP.

Use case

A typical use case would be as follows. The road operator detects a congested situation on one of its carriageways. Several alternative paths are then computed, at the service centre, to allow the drivers to bypass the affected area according to their entrance and exit point of the congestion, and actualized according to the real traffic condition. These paths, in the number of N, are then communicated to all the cars in the region (equipped with the SafeTRIP OBU). The vehicles interested in crossing (or leaving) the congested area then use the received suggestions to re-calculate their itinerary; random functions can be introduced on the OBU to select among several suggested alternative paths, to reduce side effects.

The difference with a traditional GPS navigation system is that the alternative paths are computed in real time and keeping into account dynamic factors related to traffic flows, road works, accidents, etc.

A first version of the application makes use of the following enabling services provided by the platform:

-     Positioning service – required by the OBU to know its position, determine whether it is affected by the rerouting alerts and compute the best alternative itinerary;

-     Datacast service – used to transfer the alternative routes.

At a lower level, the application makes use of one of the communications services offered by the SafeTRIP platform: broadcasting services.

The developer starts by defining the overall logical architecture of the system (see figure below).

Figure 18: Traffic flow management (broadcast) components

The datacast enabling service, part of the so-called DVB middleware, offers the capability to deliver a multimedia carousel of files (e.g., in our case study, the alternative paths to go from Ai  to Bj) to the OBU, where they are stored for later access. DVB-SH methods based on the FLUTE protocol are used to send the content over the air. A FLUTE client embedded in the SEL is in charge of receiving the data files. There is no need for specific developments on the OBU to support datacast, even when new data file types are broadcasted.

In an improved version of this application (see also Case study 2 – Traffic monitoring for a related service), the traffic congestion and re-routing could be based on the positioning information and identification sent by each vehicle to the service centre.

In this case, the application will use also the following enabling services, allowing transmission of data in the return link (i.e. from the OBU to the central infrastructure):

-     DMP messaging – required for messaging from the OBU to the service centre

-     IP gateway and vertical handover – required to relay the message via satellite or through an alternative ground network, depending on availability.

The refined application would also make use, at a lower level, of two of the basic communications services offered by the SafeTRIP platform: messaging and broadcast services.

The logical architecture of this improved application is shown in the following figure.

Figure 19: Improved traffic flow management (broadcast and messaging) components

Instead of leaving to the OBU the possibility to (randomly) select the alternative path, the service centre will define a set of vehicles to be associated to each alternative path. The coupled set of data (alternative path i, set of vehicles to be dispatched to it) is broadcasted through the carousel to all the vehicles; then each vehicle will select among all the received alternative path the one that has been assigned to it by the service centre (through its identification, or using a specific matching formula).

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SAFETRIP.eu is a project co-funded by the European Commission, DG Research

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