Access to Vehicle Information
Access to Environmental Information
Description of Methodology
Call Filtering
Information about Heavy/Hazardous Goods
Information about Coach/Bus involved in Incident
Road operators have a requirement for - information on incidents that they can use to mitigate localized environmental damage and on traffic flows to reduce the emissions of the vehicles on the road. Cleanup of hazardous cargo can be speeded up through having cargo information on hand in road operator control rooms. Preventing congestion can reduce the relative amount of emissions when traffic flows are smoothed.
In the event of a road incident, road operators would like to have access to information about the type of cargo transported by the vehicle to facilitate cleanup and appropriate deployment of emergency services. Prompt access to such information would speed up the containment response and minimize the extent of the potential impact on the environment and on the safety of other road users.
Currently, traffic information can be rather generic at times and typically includes information about incidents on the road and traffic jams. If vehicles could provide information about their location or speed along various road segments, it will allow road operators to model and predict traffic flows, and therefore to compute travel times that could then be used, for example to regulate traffic flows using management methods such as variable speed limits. This would allow for better fuel efficiencies through the reduction of congestion and smoothing of traffic flows.
SAFETRIP.eu is a project co-funded by the European Commission, DG Research
© Copyright 2012 SafeTRIP