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Information about Heavy/Hazardous Goods Vehicle

involved in Incident

Hazardous goods vehicle are taken very seriously by emergency services as they have the potential to cause further harm to other vehicles on the motorway, the inhabitants if the incident in a populated area and the environment.

-     Cargo Information

 -   Type of product being carried (UN number or UN Ids- these are 4 digit numbers that identify hazardous substances)

 -    Quantity of product being transported

 -    Manufacturer of product – may need to be contacted for managing the spill, recovering the product and paying for any expenses due to spill (e.g. cleaning cost, compensation for environmental damage)

-     Container status – whether the cargo container is intact or damaged as a result of the incident. This allows the spillage rate and risks to be calculated.

-     HGV type and dimensions – unlike cars, HGVs vary largely in terms of dimensions. This allows the emergency services to dispatch the right rescue vehicle. For instance, if the HGV is partially in a ditch off the motorway or has overturned, then an appropriate vehicle would be required to retrieve it.

SAFETRIP.eu is a project co-funded by the European Commission, DG Research

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