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Communication link

Drivers wish to have the reassurance of a reliable communication link for emergencies and assistance. For a driver that is unable to get out of their vehicle or lost, they could want to use a communication link to contact emergency services or roadside assistance to assist them in locating the vehicle or guiding them from an unfamiliar location. This can help meet location distance standards for emergency responders by knowing the location within a set minimum distance from a known landmark. This link could also be used securely by drivers to report incidents or illegal activities over an encrypted communication channel.

Reveal location of vehicle

When travelling, drivers want to know their current location in order to navigate to their destination and to alert authorities in case an incident occurs. Drivers want to have the best route based on a range of considerations, including distance, travel time, road works, accidents, and prevailing weather conditions – to avoid for instance areas of snow, icing, or heavy rain. Knowing their location and the location of these potential blockages can help drivers avoid congestion and delays. It can also give them in-journey information on variations to planned routes in a way that is more understandable than on signage erected by local authorities. If they are involved in an incident while they are in unfamiliar surroundings, drivers wish to have assistance locating themselves to direct support from emergency services.

SAFETRIP.eu is a project co-funded by the European Commission, DG Research

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