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Passenger Tracking

Transport Operators would like to know the total number and identity of all the passengers who are on each coach at all times. However, keeping this information in digital form has serious security risks that need to be addressed that have not been approved by European regulators for overland transport operators.

In particular, this presents the risk to the privacy of passengers that this information is misused, passed on or lost.

Passenger data must be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Directive. This may mean that data is properly encrypted so that passengers or passers-by with receiving equipment cannot steal personal information, especially if address and passenger contact data is attached to passenger records. The passenger also needs the opportunity to consent, and later to retract their consent, to the general collection and retention of data. Passengers need to know what information is being collected and retained and for what purpose. They also need assurances and undertakings that the agreed uses will not be extended without prior agreement – for example by selling data to third parties

SAFETRIP.eu is a project co-funded by the European Commission, DG Research

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